Approval list(※Option)

Approval function is an option.
Approval function is that: when you send Email to inform file distribution(including mailer), distribution and collection(including mailer), folder publication(including mailer), if your leader or superior approve your Email, the Email will be sent. If your leader or superior reject your operation, the Email will not be sent. When you use mailer, only the URL that is approved by your leader or superior is valid.

Please click “Menu: Approval list”. Menu: Approval list

Approval function for the user

Approval list of the user

In approval list, you can see the list of Emails to inform file distribution that is waiting for approving by your leader, or see the list of Emails already approved, rejected or canceled.
The list of Email waiting for approving is below.
the Waiting approval list of user

1[The approval list of superior] If you are the superior of someone, this button appears. Click this button, you can see the approval list for superior.(→Approval list of superior)
2tab for changing list You can change the list of Email waiting for approval or list of approved / rejected / canceled Email.
3Superior This is your superior whom you select when you sent Email.
4Kind This is a kind of how to send your notification.
Emails with * on kind column requires approval from all superiors specified.
5Destination address This is a destination address of Email.
6Subject This is a subject of Email. (If you sent Email from your own mailer, will not be displayed here.)
7Request date This is a request date to approve Email for your leader or superior.
detail When you click this button, details of the Email will appear.(→Details screen)

The Approved/Rejected/Canceled list is below.
The Approved/Rejected/Canceled list for user

1State This is a state of Email that is approved, sent, rejected or canceled.
The items for displaying list
the number of be able to display in a page Set how many rows are displayed in a page.
Move to the first page Move to the first page.
Move to the previous page Move to the previous page.
Move to the page you enter Move to the page you enter.
Move to the next page Move to the next page.
Move to the last page Move to the last page.
Update the list Update the list.

Approved/Rejected/Canceled notice

Emails requiring approval will be sent after approval by superiors.
When the Email approved and sent, the user get the information by Email.

The approved Email by the superior
the approved Email by the superior

If the superior reject your Email to inform file distribution, the Email will not be sent.
And, when your Email is rejected, the system will send you Email to inform about that. In the Email, the reason why the Email was rejected, please read the massage.

The rejected Email by the superior
the rejected Email by the superior

You can cancel the approval request until your superior approves or rejects it. In this case, notification emails will not be delivered.
And, when your Email is canceled, the system will send your superior Email to inform about that. In the Email, the reason why the Email was canceled.

The canceled Email to the superior
the canceled Email to the superior

Approval function for the superior

Approval list of the superior

If you are the superior of someone, you can see the Email that is waiting for the approving by you, and the Email that was approved, rejected or canceled.
The list of Email waiting for approving is below.
the Waiting approval list of superior

1[The approval list of user] If you have a superior, this button appears. Click this button, you can see the approval list of the user.(→Approval list of the user)
2User User who waits to approved by the superior.

The Approved/Rejected/Canceled list is below.
the Approved/Rejected/Canceled list for superior

Details screen

On the detail screen, you can check the content of Email to inform file distribution. When waiting for approval, the superior can approve or reject. The user can cancel. If it was approved / rejected / canceled, you can check the details of it that has already been processed.
the detail screen of Email that is unapproval, approved, rejected or canceled the detail screen of Email that is unapproval, approved, rejected or canceled

1User name In the case of superior, the name of the user waiting for approval is displayed.
In the case of user, this field is not displayed.
2Superior The name and status of the specified superiors are displayed.
3Kind This is a kind of how to send your notification.
4State This is a state of Email that is unapproval, approved, sent, rejected or canceled.
5Destination address This is a destination address of Email.

If the destination address of Email is prohibited by domain limited after registration, it is displayed in red.
Prohibited email address
6Save folder Save folder for collect files. It appears receipt when only.
7Tag of the file collection You can manage the Email to collect files with tags. It appears receipt when only.
8File name The file distributed and the files in the publication folder.
9From address Notification is the e-mail sender.
10Email subject This is a subject of Email. (If you sent Email from your own mailer, will not be displayed here.)
11Email text This is a text of Email. (If you sent Email from your own mailer, will not be displayed here.)
12Security settings They are security settings about this Email.
13Character encoding It is set-up character encoding of e-mail.
14Rejection / Cancel reason
(only rejected / canceled)
This is used to reject / cancel.

If you want to reject the Email, please enter the reason why this Email is rejected and click the [Reject] button. If you want to approve the Email, please click the [Approve] button.
If you want to cancel the Email, please enter the reason why this Email is canceled and click the [Cancel] button.

When the distribution file download check function is enabled
Upon approval of superiors, the superior can not approve unless all distribution files are downloaded.
※This function does not apply to folder publishing. the distribution file download check