
You can see your profile registered in the system. You can change your password here.
We advise that you change your password periodically.

Please click menu:profile. menu:profile


Change password

You can change password. Please click [Change password] button.
※Users using Google SSO authentication or SAML authentication can not change their passwords.
profile:change password

Change password screen will appear.
Please enter current password, new password, and new password to confirm, and click [Submit] button.
profile:change password

When you change your password, it automatically logs you out.
Please log in with your new password.

Two-factor authentication

 ※Users using Google SSO authentication or SAML authentication can not use two-factor authentication with WebFile.
 ※This setting is only available for two-factor authentication with authentication apps.

Enable two-factor authentication

When two-factor authentication with apps is disabled, click [Enable] that appears in your profile.

Two-factor authentication:Turn valid

Follow the instructions to set up two-factor authentication. Please enter your confirmation code and click [Check and save].

Disable two-factor authentication

When two-factor authentication with apps is enabled, click [Disable] that appears in your profile.

Two-factor authentication:Turn invalid

Read the instructions and then click [Disable].