Address book

Change group of address

The group of a mail address is changed.
Please choose the mail address which changes a group and click [Select group affiliation] button.

Select group affiliation screen displays.
Please choose the group to which a mail address affiliates and click the [↓] button. The group chosen as lower "Group" is displayed.
If you make multiple selection of the group, you can make a mail address belong to two or more groups.

"Group" displays the group to which a mail address belongs.
A click of "Exclusion" will except a mail address from "Group." It is set to "None" when the group which belongs to "Group" is not contained.

If the group to which a mail address belongs is changed, please click the [Change of group affiliation] button.Change of the group to which a mail address belongs is completed.

Copy to other section group(* function for only section address book)

When you select section address book, [Copy to other section group] button is displayed.
As in the case of change group of address, please choose the group to which a mail address affiliates and click the [↓] button.
If the section group to which a mail address belongs is changed, please click the [Copy to other section group] button.
When you select multiple section groups, addressees will be added to each selected section groups.

Add group

Please click the [Add group] button under the group list.
add group

The area to enter the new group name will appear in the group list.
the form for entering new group name

After you enter the group name, please click thesave(save button).
If you want to cancel, please click thecancel(cancel button).

Edit group

Please click thebutton to edit(edit button).
group list

The group name you want to edit will change into the edit mode. You can edit the group name.
the form for editing group name

After edit the group name, please click thebutton to save(save button).
If you want to cancel to edit, please click thebutton to cancel(cancel button).

delete group

If you want delete the group, please click thebutton to delete(delete button).
group list

Confirmation message will appear, after confirm your operation, please click [OK] button.
The group name you select will be deleted. All addresses in the group that was deleted will change to no group.
delete group(confirm)

Change the order of groups

You can change the order of groups with dragging each group name and drop in turn you want to order.
change the order of groups

Please drug the group to the place you want.
Change the order of groups:drug group name
Change the order of groups(completion)