Receive (collect)

Receive (collect) is a function that the file receipt space is secured, send the mail to collect files to the specific person, and up-loads files to this system on the web.

Please click Menu:Receive (collect).
menu:Receive (collect)

Collected file list

When you click the menu:Receive (collect), the collection file list appears. You can operate each file on the colleced file list.
the collection file list

Email send]
This is a button to send Email to collect files.(→Receive (collect) files)
2[Send Email
from own mailer
to collect]
This is a button to send Email to collect files from own mailer.
(→Receive (collect) files from own mailer)
3Tag list It is a list of tags to manage mails to collect and the collected files.
When you click each tag, the file list distributed with tag is displayed.
the tag name]
It is possible to change the tag name you select in the tag list.
change the tag name
5[Delete tag] Tag is deleted. When tag is deleted, the collected file and the mail to collect managed with this tag are deleted.
Please note that URL to collect files becomes invalid when the collected file is deleted.
tag is deleted
6File list Information of collected files is sas follows.
File name It is a name of file. “Unregistered” means that the file has not uploaded yet.
file name Button to display details of file. When you click it, you can see the message to sender which was written when the file was collected and the registered date.
When theclose detailbutton is clicked, the column is closed.
file detail
Registration date It is the date or time file was uploaded.
The time is displayed during that day. The date is described since the next day.
size It is size of the file.
download [Download] button.Download files.
If you set [Save folder], you can not download from the Collected file list.
store [Save] button. You can save files.(→Store files)
If you set [Save folder] you collect the files, the folder name is displayed.
delete [Delete] button. You can delete files.
Caraful, if you delete files, these files are deleted completely from the system.
change tag [Change tag] button. You can change the tags of collected files and mails.
Operate the selected file
You can operate the files which are selected with check-box.
When you click the [Save] button, files are saved. And saved files move to Menu: File list. When you click the [Delete] button, files and space for collected files are deleted.
When you select the "Change tag" list, the tag with files is changed. operate the selected file